# Admonitions

Merci à Vuepress Theme Cool Starter V1.

# Examples

The icons for the admonitions use Google Material Icons.

Available admonitions: note, abstract, info, tip, success, question, warning, failure, danger, bug, example, quote.

To use admonitions, see examples below :

!!! <admonition type> <Admonition title>
Admonition content
!!! note Testing Notes
Good Note

Testing Notes

Good Note

!!! abstract Course Outline
This is an abstract

Course Outline

This is an abstract

!!! info Information
Info icon


Info icon

!!! tip Cool
This is a tip.


This is a tip.

!!! success SUCCESS Thing
This is a success box


This is a success box

Cool Question

I have questions

!!! warning A good warning
Example of a warning

A good warning

Example of a warning

!!! failure I failed
Fail in life.

I failed

Fail in life.

!!! danger More danger

More danger


!!! bug Software Bug
I love bugs

Software Bug

I love bugs

!!! example Example 1.1

Example 1.1


!!! quote Quotation
Quote 1.1


Quote 1.1

# Table

Tables Are Cool
col 3 is right-aligned $1600
col 2 is centered $12
zebra stripes are neat $1